
setuping discord-cmds.js

  • first install our package using npm i discord-cmds.js@latest

  • then after defining discord client!

  • add this codes to your project!

code to add!

const discmd = require("discord-cmds.js")

const handler = new discmd(client,{
cmdDir: "./commands",
port: 3000, //for starting express app!
slash: true, //your commands can be runned as slash commands!
normal: true, //your commands can be runned as normal commands!
prefix: "!",
notOwnerMsg: "You are not my owner",
ownerID: "" //bot owner id!
notHavingPermsMsg: "You don't have {PERMISSION} perms!",
clientNotHavingPermsMsg: "I have have {PERMISSION} perms!"

Now head over to

Last updated